2023 - 2024
Summer Production
On 16th July, the Year 6 children, supported by some wonderful singers from Years 3, 4 and 5, shared the final performance of ‘Star Warts – The Umpire Strikes Back’. Thank you to all involved in this wonderful production. Thank you to Miss Walk and Miss Bennett for their talent and hard work in giving the children the opportunity to be part of this production.
Percussion Ensemble at The Symphony Hall
On 9th July, the school’s Percussion Ensemble performed at the Schools’ Music Service Youth Prom at the Symphony Hall. The children had a wonderful and memorable experience performing in front of a large audience and other schools. It was after 10.00 p.m. when the group returned to school. Well done to the Percussion Ensemble; Eesa, Samar, Muganzi, Edward, Joseph, Elijah, Thomas, Jaimar, Matthew, Zane, Kwesi, Jayden and Dominik. Thank you to Mrs Murdock for taking the children to this event and looking after them.
Music Evening
We had our annual Music Evening on 19th June. This was a very enjoyable and successful event at which a large number of our Junior children showed their musical talents to an appreciative audience. Thank you to Mr Palmer, Mr Torma and Mrs Lord, our peripatetic Music teachers who have done such a wonderful job with our children and supported them on the evening. Thank you to everyone who was involved; the audience, the staff who supported the evening and especially to the children. A special thank you to Miss Walk who did a fantastic job in organising, directing and producing the evening.
First Holy Communion
Congratulations to the eleven children; Florence, Viktor, Lainey, Hoang, Kimi, Troy, Ashay’a, Tomek, Antoni, Theo and Senay, who made their First Holy Communion last Saturday at St. Teresa’s Church on 15th June. Thank you to Mrs Allport, Mrs Jones, Miss Shirley and Fr. Peter and all of these children’s families for supporting the children in preparing for this sacrament.
On 20th June, at school, there was a special mass for the children who made their First Holy Communion. They wore their Communion clothes for the mass and led the readings and bidding prayers. At the end of mass, Fr Peter presented these children with their First Holy Communion certificates. Thank you to Mrs Paciorek for leading the music on Saturday and at yesterday’s mass. Thank you to Muganzi, Matthew, Edward and Liz who were our altar servers. Thank you to Kimran who managed to audio-visual equipment.
Talent Show
Well done to all of the children who took part in our Talent Show on 22nd May. It was lovely to see a wide range of talents being shared. However, there was an act at the end of the afternoon which deserved a red buzzer! Than you to Miss Gibbon for hosting the event and to Mrs Gillam for being our production manager.
Easter Bonnets and Eggs
Well done to the children, and the adults who supported them, in taking the time and making the effort to create wonderful bonnets for the Infant children and egg-based creations for the Juniors, which were brought into school on Wednesday 27th March. The egg designs were on display in the entrance hall, they were then carefully moved into the hall by the Year 6 P.E. and Stage monitors and the Sports Crew for all to see in the afternoon. The rain held off so after a practice parade in the hall the planned Infant Bonnet Parade took place in the school playgrounds. Thank you to the parents/carers who squeezed into the hall to add to the sense of occasion for the children.
Percussion Ensemble at the Area Gala Concert
On Wednesday 20th March after school, children who attend the Percussion Ensemble group, which takes place at the end of the school day each Tuesday, went to the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire in the city centre. The Ensemble were one of a number of schools, represented at this event. The Ensemble performed in an evening of high-quality entertainment by talented musicians. Well done to Eesa, Muganzi, Samar-Hayat, Edward, Thomas, Joseph, Elijah, Jaimar, Matthew, Dominik, Zane, Jayden, Anthony and Kwesi. Thank you to Mr Palmer, our percussion teacher, who prepared the children for this event, to Mrs Murdock who looked after the children and to the parents who came to support their children, some of whom did not get back to school until 9.00 p.m. that evening.
Science Fair
On Friday 15th March our Science Champions; Imaan, Amaan, A’zirah, Gurtej, Laura, Diya J, Logan and Zumrah, were representing our school at the Caritas Christi In Urbe Science Fair at St. Clare’s Catholic Primary School. Thank you to Mrs Jones for taking the children to this event.
Year 6 Residential Visit to Aberdovey
Twenty-four of the Year 6 children, Miss Walk, Mrs Murdock and myself were away from school from Monday 11th to Friday 15th March for the children’s Residential Visit to the Outward Bounds Trust Centre in Aberdovey. All have had an enjoyable, busy and tiring week with a range of challenges set and met throughout the week. Thank you to Miss Walk and Mrs Murdock and our group leaders; Craig and Brookes, who have made this year’s visit so very memorable for all involved. A special thank you to the twenty–four Year 6 children who have been wonderful all week!
Please go to the ‘Aberdovey Residential Visit 2024’ link on the Year 6 2023 -2024 page of the school website to see and read more about the group’s adventures. You are welcome to add a comment to our guestbook.
Science Champions visit to Enginuity
On Friday 8th March, our Science Champions; Imaan, Amaan, A’zirah, Gurtej, Laura, Diya J, Logan and Zumrah, joined with the Science Champions from other Caritas Christi In Urbe schools’ to go to Enginuity, at the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust. The group set off well before the start of the school day and are due to return late in the afternoon. Thank you to Mrs Jones for taking the children on this visit.
World Book Day
The children and staff looked fabulous dressed as characters from books for World Book Day, which we celebrated on Thursday 7th March. It was lovely to see the children’s reactions to seeing each other in their costumes and the reactions of parents/carers on arriving at school yesterday morning.
Science Champions and the Animal Club
Our Science Champions have been busy recently. They led a whole school assembly on Tuesday 27th February sharing their enthusiasm for Science with the whole school. Thank you to Mrs Allport, our Science lead in school, who is working alongside these children to enhance our Science provision. The Science Champions assembly was followed up by a visit from the Animal Club ranger on Wednesday 28th February. The children had the opportunity to see, learn about and in some cases handle a range of wildlife. This event was in recognition of National Science Day on that day. Thank you to Imaan, Amaan, A’zirah, Gurtej, Laura, Diya J, Logan and Zumrah for championing Science in our school!
World Thinking Day & Founder’s Day
Thursday 22nd February, World Thinking Day, was celebrated by the Girlguiding community and Founders Day was celebrated by the Scouting community. A number of children in the guiding community and in the scouting community wore their uniforms to school. It was lovely to see the enthusiasm from those wearing their uniforms and interest from their peers who are not part of the guiding or scouting communities.
Safer Internet Day
On Tuesday 6th February, we joined schools and youth organisations across the UK in celebrating Safer Internet Day 2024. The theme for this year’s Safer Internet Day is ‘Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online’.
Safer Internet Day is a global campaign to promote the safe and responsible use of technology, which calls on young people, parents, carers, teachers, social workers, law enforcement, companies, policymakers and more, to join together in helping to create a better internet.
Using the internet safely and positively is a key message that we promote in our school, and celebrating Safer Internet Day is a great opportunity for us to re-emphasise the online safety messages we deliver throughout the year. The children have been involved in activities about the opportunities and challenges involved in being on-line. We would be delighted if you could join us by continuing the conversation at home.
Rock Stars and Robots
On 5th February, it was lovely to see so many children dressed as rock stars or Numbots (i.e. robots). This was done to promote Times Tables Rock Stars, which is available to all children in the Junior classes and Numbots which is a resource for the Infant children. All children should have login information to access this online resource from home. Please contact school if you do not have the logging on information.
After school that day, parents/carers of Year 4 children were invited to a meeting with Miss Gibbon and Miss Walk to discuss Times Tables Rock Stars in preparation for the Table Multiplication Check for all Year 4 children in June.
Thank you to all who generously donated unwanted clothing for the Rags2Riches4Schools fundraiser on Tuesday 30th January. The bags were collected and weighed. The school will soon receive £170.50 based on the 341kg of bags collected. The clothing items will be sent to Ukraine.
Beauty and the Beast
On 22nd January, M&M Theatre Company visited the school to share a performance of Beauty and the Beast. The children had a loud and exciting time. The children who dressed as fairy tale and story characters added to the atmosphere of the performance. Thank you for those children who have donated £2.00 towards the cost of this event, which went a good way to covering the cost to the school.
Christmas Dinner
The children had their Christmas dinners on Tuesday 19th December. During the afternoon, the school hosted a number of parishioners who had a Christmas dinner with us. In addition, most of the Reception children had their grandparent or grandparents join them for Christmas dinner. After our guests had eaten and the raffle was drawn, the Junior children performed a selection of songs from our Junior Carol Service. Thank you to Mr Orel and his team for providing the Christmas dinners. Thank you also to Noor-ul-Huda, Edward, Fariha and Divine; our house captains who waited upon our visitors.
Christmas Fair
On Friday 8th December, we held the School and Parish Christmas Fair. Thank you to everyone who joined us for this event and to the parents/carers, staff and parishioners who sold raffle tickets. You have helped us to raise £2,816.07 (£1,628.07 for the school and £1,188 for the parish). Thank you to the staff, their family members and parents/carers who managed the stalls. A special thankyou to Mrs Connell for organising this event for us.
Children in Need
On 17th November, we had a ‘Spotacular’ non-uniform day for Children In Need. Children could wear their own clothes, ideally with a spotty theme, for a £1 donation. Thank you to all who participated and donated their £1s. £138.30 has been raised for this cause.
World Diabetes Day
Tuesday 14th November, was World Diabetes Day. In recognition of this awareness day, the children were invited to wear their own clothes, with a blue theme, for a £1 donation to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation). Thank you for your donations which have raised £169 for this charity.
Type 1 diabetes can affect anyone without other medical or lifestyle factors, type 2 can be influenced by lifestyle, gender and ethnicity. Over 18 year olds can go to the following link which will give an indication of your likelihood of being affected by type 2 diabetes. https://riskscore.diabetes.org.uk/start?_gl=1*99uxj6*_ga*NDEwMjcxNzY1LjE2NjczODM3MjY.*_ga_J1HFNSGEX6*MTY2ODc2NTI2My4zLjAuMTY2ODc2NTI2My42MC4wLjA.
Anti-Bullying Week - 13th to 17th November
This week is Anti-Bullying Week. We shared the message of ‘Make a noise about bullying’ during Monday morning’s school assembly and this morning’s Congratulations Assembly. Messages and information have been displayed on the video unit on the Infant playground. For the school community bullying is unacceptable at any time. Please note the following from the school’s Anti-Bullying policy:
The aim is to foster an attitude of care between the children, staff and the wider community, and to develop effective relationships built on trust and understanding, where respect for the individual is paramount.
Reception Reading Workshop
Thank you to the parents and carers of the Reception Class children who joined us for our Reception Class Reading Workshop on Wednesday 25th October. I hope that those who attended enjoyed their time working with their children and had some useful ideas to take away to support their child’s reading. Thank you to Miss Gravell, Miss Walk and Mrs Jones for leading this workshop.
Handsworth Fire Service visit to Year 4
Thank you to White Watch of Handsworth Community Fire Station who were in school on Wednesday morning, 25th October, working with Year 4. The team delivered the Sparks programme giving the children advice on fire prevention and tips on being safe in the event of a fire.
United Nations Day
On Tuesday 24th October, in recognition of United Nations Day on, the children wore their own clothes, which included colours reflecting their families’ origins to mark Black History Month. The school was awash with bright colours and some lovely national costumes.
MacMillan Coffee Morning
Thank you to all who donated cakes and biscuits and then donated money to buy them back gain for our ‘green’ themed day for MacMillan Cancer Support on Friday 29th September. This event was very well attended by parents/carers and family members and raised £382.57. We had enough surplus to have a cake sale after school on Tuesday 3rd October, managed by our house captains and vice captains, Noor-ul-Huda, Osagie, Edward, Mia, Fariha, Kimran, Divine and Pavneet, which raised an additional £87.28. This brings the total raised for Macmillan Cancer support to £469.85. Thank you to all who contributed to these events.
Overnight experience
On the evening of Friday 22nd October, fifty-seven Junior children came to school at 8.00 p.m. and stayed until 8.00 a.m. on Saturday morning for an ‘Overnight Experience'. This initiative is linked to the focus of ‘Dignity of the Human Person’, the theme running across our curriculum this term.
The children had a simple supper of biscuits and hot chocolate. The twenty children from Year 3 and Year 4 who joined us slept on mats, in sleeping bags or under blankets and duvets in their classrooms; this was to reflect finding shelter indoors.
The thirty-seven Year 5 and Year 6 children made temporary shelters from large pieces of cardboard and slept in the hall. The Year 5 and Year 6 children were unable to sleep outdoors due to the weather and ground conditions. In the morning, breakfast was toast and water. This experience was to enable the children to gain an understanding and empathy for the challenges facing the homeless.
The children who participated were amazing. They embraced the opportunity fully and, despite the hardship, behaved wonderfully. Thank you to the parents and carers who allowed their children to participate. A particular thank you to the staff who led the event; Miss Walk, Miss Gold, Miss Gibbon, Mrs Allport and Mrs Gillam joined me to give the children this unique insight to the life less fortunate people lead.
2022- 2023
Caritas Christi in Urbe Science Fayre
On 30th March 6 Y4, Matthew, Hoger, Sophia, Jaya, Aman and Eve had the opportunity to participate in the Caritas Christi in Science Fayre, at St Clare's school. There was a total of 7 schools with six children from Y4 representing their school. The six children were split into 2 groups. 1 group led a science investigation whilst the other group explored the investigations. Both groups then swapped over. St Teresa's demonstrated static electricity and making a bulb light using only a battery and tin foil. The children explored making hover crafts, how lava lamps work, potato boats and everyone's favourite - SLIME! Thank you to the children for being great science ambassadors.
Children in Need
On 18th November we had a ‘Spotacular’ non-uniform day for Children In Need. Children could wear their own clothes, ideally with a spotty theme, for a £1 donation. Thank you to all who participated and donated their £1s. £191 has been raised so far for this cause.
World Diabetes Day
14th November was World Diabetes Day. In recognition of this awareness day, the children were invited to wear their own clothes, with a blue theme, for a £1 donation to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation). Thank you for your donations which have raised £166 for this charity. We learned more about this condition during Monday’s assembly. A parent of child in school has asked that the following be shared with the school community.
As a mother of a type 1 child, the battle, the journey is both challenging and difficult. I think it’s important to recognise the charity JDRF and the work they do. Type 1 is not a lifestyle choice, it is an auto immune disease and it’s important to recognise the 4 Ts; toilet, thirst, tired and thinner. My daughter has been diagnosed over 2 years now and we will continue to spread awareness.
Anti-Bullying Week
14th - 18th November is Anti-Bullying Week. We shared the message of ‘Reach Out’ during Monday morning’s assembly. Messages and information have been displayed on the video unit on the Infant playground. For the school community bullying is unacceptable at any time. Please note the following from the school’s Anti-Bullying policy:
The aim is to foster an attitude of care between the children, staff and the wider community, and to develop effective relationships built on trust and understanding, where respect for the individual is paramount.
During Monday’s assembly we also considered the answers to three questions:
- What is a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)? The person or people responsible for Safeguarding (keeping children safe) at the school.
- Who are the Designated Safeguarding Leads at our school? Mr Corkery and Miss Shirley are the DSLs.
- Who is responsible for keeping children safe in school? All adults who work in the school are responsible for keeping children safe.
Sisters Minor of St. Francis
On 20th and 21st October, the school has hosted Sr. Miriam, Sr. Irene and Sr. Michela of the Sisters Minor of St. Francis. The sisters spoke about their vocation and missionary work throughout the world. The children had an opportunity to ask questions. on 21st October, the Sisters' worked with groups of children to make a Pocket Rosary. The children will take these Rosary Beads home to join in prayer with their family.
The Sisters led a decade of the Rosary with reflection on the Annunciation and Visitation. Thank you to Maya and Kimran for reading, to Tannia and Chiamaka for acting out these scenes and to Edward for leading the rosary. Thank you to the Sisters for their time and openness and to Miss Shirley for organising this opportunity.
United Nations Day
On 21st October, in recognition of United Nations Day on 24th October, the children wore their own clothes, which included colours reflecting their families’ origins to mark Black History Month. The school was awash with bright colours and some lovely national costumes.
75th anniversary of St. Teresa’s Church
On 1st October, our parish celebrated the feast day of our patron saint; St. Teresa. The evening mass was followed by a gathering from the parish and school community, including present and past pupils, to mark the 75th anniversary of our parish church. We were very proud of our children; present and past pupils, who served at this mass, including Chikwere, Chizi, Muganzi and Edward and our other children who came with their families to this event. We were also very proud to hear about the lives that some of our past pupils have built, with families and careers of their own.
MacMillan Coffee Morning
Thank you to all who donated cakes and biscuits and then donated money to buy them back gain for our ‘green’ themed day for MacMillan Cancer Support on 30th September . Many families donated far more than the £1 requested either directly to school or through ParentPay. You have raised £532.94 for this cause – thank you for your generosity. It was lovely to see so many parents and family members in the hall this morning and some of our past staff; Mrs Dignan, Mrs Roberts and Mrs Ashford – who used to be the school’s finance officer, who helped us out.
Caritas Chrsti In Urbe schools' visit to Kingswood Activity Centre
On Friday 23rd September, a group of Year 5 children; Divine, Andrea, Edward, Osagie, Hiba and Isharma, accompanied by Miss Goupilliere, set off with other children and staff from five of our Caritas Christi In Urbe schools; our family of local Catholic schools, to Kingswood Activity Centre in Staffordshire. The group had wonderful and memorable experiences throughout the weekend, returning to school on Monday afternoon. Thank you to Miss Goupilliere for giving up her weekend to take the children on this visit.
Year 6 School House Captains and Vice-Captains
On 21st September, children from Year 6 met the children of Years 2 to 6 from their own house teams. Some of the Year 6 children made speeches to persuade the children in their house team to vote for them as house captain and as vice-captains. The children in that house team then had the opportunity to vote – an example of democracy in action. The elected representatives are; St. Matthew: Remy and Joshua, St. Mark: Arissa and Nikhil, St. Luke: Long and Amelia and St. John: Eesah and Amrit. Congratulations to those children on the election to these roles.
Queen Elizabeth II – 1926 – 2022. Rest In Peace
The nation was in a period of mourning following the death of Queen Elizabeth II on 8th September. During our Collective Worship the following morning, as a school community we shared a reflection on her significance for us, the country and the whole world. We prayed for the repose of her soul and for King Charles III.
As was discussed with the children, this was a significant period and we are living through an historic time. No one within the school, and I am sure, the vast majority who have links to the school community will know anything other than Queen Elizabeth as our monarch. We prayed for Her Majesty and give thanks for her lifetime of dedicated service.
Year 6 Leavers' Party
Year 6, had their Leavers’ Mass on Thursday 14th July, annual reports and SATS results on Friday 15th July, the Namco Funscape visit on Tuesday 19th July, their Leavers’ Party on Wednesday 20th July, three performances of Rock bottom in two days and the emotional Leavers’ assembly on Thursday 21st July. Goodbye, best wishes and God Bless to the class of 2022; Esele, D’Sharnai, Manpreet, Ruth, Balraaj, Sebastian, Avani, Daya, James, Sofia, Jamie, Kaiden, Gianna, Tomasz, Imani, Oskar, Tiana, Gabriel, Sam, Victoria, Ummay, Keerat, Sukhjeevan, Joshua, Tarli-Monae, Ethan, Ki-mani, Andreea, Arjun and Deshon. Below are some photographs from the Year 6 Leavers' Party.
Caritas Christi In Urbe Commonwealth Games baton
On Thursday 23rd June 2022, the Caritas Christi In Urbe Commonwealth Games baton was brought to school by children from St. Francis’ Catholic Primary School. Our guests processed around the Junior playground greeted by all of our children and staff. The children from St. Francis School were led on the procession by Maria M and Soyini who dueted and were then supported for the Junior children in singing to welcome the baton to our school. Thank you to Miss Gibbon for organising this event.
Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
On 27th May 2022, we celebrated Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee. As well as red, white and blue everywhere and an abundance of union flags and patriotic music, we had our lunch outside as a royal garden party, five special Platinum Jubilee cakes and a selection of souvenirs. We also had a very special royal visitor at lunchtime!
Talent Show
On Wednesday 25th May, we were treated to a wonderful Talent Show with the majority of the children in the school being involved in individual, group or, in the case of the Infant children, whole class performances. Thank you and well done to all of the children who participated.
Prior to the Talent Show, we offered a prayer for the victims of the atrocity at Robb Elementary School, Uvalde, Texas. We offered our shared talents as a prayer for all those affected by this tragedy.
Perry the Bull
On Friday 1`3th May, we were visited by Perry the Bull, the mascot for this summer’s Commonwealth Games. Perry and his friend Amber told us a lot about the Commonwealth and the Commonwealth Games. Please do ask your children about Perry and the visit the school this morning. Perry also had a special photograph with our Year 6 children in recognition of completion of their SATs tests. Thank you to Miss Gibbon for organising this event for the school.
Dance Track
On Sunday 8th May, a group of our children were amongst children from across the city performing as part of the 25th Anniversary celebration of Dance Track with Birmingham Royal Ballet. The feedback from parents and staff who attended was wonderful. This was an amazing experience for Remy, Joshua, Ava, Andrea, Kimora, Lumaya and Dominik.
Easter Bonnets and Eggs
Well done to the children, and the adults who supported them, in taking the time and making the effort to create wonderful bonnets for the Infant children and egg based creations for the Juniors, which were brought into school yesterday and brought smiles to lots of faces. The range and creativity were ‘egg-cellent’! The egg designs were on display in the entrance hall, they were then carefully moved into the hall for all to see in the afternoon. We were fortunate enough with the weather to have an Easter Bonnet parade involving the Infant classes helped by Year 5 and Year 6 forming a guard of honour on the playgrounds. Thank you to the parents/carers who were on the playgrounds to add to the sense of occasion.
Caritas Christi In Urbe Science Fair
On 8th April, a group of Year 4 children went to St. Clare’s Catholic Primary School to represent us at the Caritas Christi In Urbe Science Fair. The event was attended by children from six of our schools each demonstrating a different scientific experiment or activity. St. Teresa’s won the final quiz and were champions of the Science Fair. Thank you to Tannia, Chizi, Noor, Kaiden, Mason and Josh for being such good ambassadors for the school. Thank you to Mrs Allport for preparing the children and taking them to this event.
Born for This
On 6th April, Year 5 went by bus to St. Francis’ Catholic Church, to perform ‘Born for This’; a series of readings and songs recounting the Stations of the Cross. St. Teresa’s School, represented by Year 5, were one of six Caritas Christi In Urbe primary schools at this event. The children performed wonderfully, with a special mention for the readers; Arvin, Ava, Long and Remy, and the actors; Jayden, Soyini, Tarjae, Saron, Chikwere, Nihal and Nikhil. Thank you to Miss Gold and Miss Bennett for preparing the children and taking them with me to this event.
Percussion Ensemble at the Area Gala Concert
On 5th April , children who attend the Percussion Ensemble group, which takes place at the end of the school day each Tuesday, went to Royal Birmingham Conservatoire in the city centre. The Ensemble were one of seven schools, represented at the Area Gala Concert. The Ensemble performed two pieces in an evening of high quality entertainment by talented musicians. Well done to Maya, Amelia, Fatima, Samar, Isharma, Edward, Eesa and Osagie. Thank you to Mr Palmer, our percussion teacher, who prepared the children for this event. Thank you to the parents who came to support their children.
Dance Track
On 24th March, two dancers and a musician from Birmingham Royal Ballet were in school to work with Year 1 children as part of the Dance Trak programme. This programme identifies potential talent and invites the relevant children for ballet tuition with the BRB. As a school, we have been part of this programme for several years but that has been disrupted in the last couple of years. We have a number of our Year 5 children and others in school who are part of this initiative. Thank you to Miss Goupilliere for organising this opportunity for the children.
Kingswood Residential 2021
From Friday 24th to Monday 27th September, a group of Year 5 children were at the Caritas Christi In Urbe Residential Weekend at the Kingswood Centre in Staffordshire. Children from eight of our Caritas schools were there supported by the staff at the centre and school staff.
Thank you to Mrs Rivett, head teacher at St. Clare's School for organising this event and thank you to Miss Goupilliere for taking the children from our school.
Overnight experience
On Friday 17th September, sixty-three Junior children came to school at 8.00 p.m. and stayed at school until 8.00 a.m. on Saturday morning for an ‘Overnight Experience’. This initiative is linked to the focus of ‘Dignity of the Human Person’, the theme running across our curriculum for the Autumn Term.
The children had a simple supper of biscuits and hot chocolate. The thirty-six children from Year 3 and Year 4 who joined us slept on mats, in sleeping bags or under blankets and duvets in the hall; this was to reflect finding shelter indoors. The twenty-seven Year 5 and Year 6 children made temporary shelters from large pieces of cardboard and slept outdoors on the grassed area by the playgrounds. In the morning, breakfast was toast and water. This experience was to enable the children to gain an understanding and empathy for the challenges facing the homeless.
The children who participated were amazing. They embraced the opportunity fully and despite the hardship behaved wonderfully. Thank you to the parents and carers who allowed their children to participate. A particular thank you to the staff who led the event; Miss Walk, Miss Gold, Miss Gibbon, Mrs Allport and Miss Bennett joined Mr. Corkery to give the children this unique insight to the life less fortunate people lead.
2019- 2020
Kingswood Residential 2019
Special Events 2017-2018
There's always plenty going on at our school - such as day trips, visitors who come to school to entertain or work with the children, and other special occasions during the year. On this page you can look back on some of our special events, and share the memories with us
Thursday 28th June 2018
Year 2 hosted a jungle theme day for the rest of key stage 1. We took part in lots of challenges and games. Some of them were a little messy!
Tuesday 26th June 2018
7 children from Year 4, Nikola, Chiaku, Hien, Prince, Noah, Karam and Sukhsimran took part in the First Caritas Christi Science Fayre held at St Paul's Girls Secondary School. We demonstrated how to make shadow puppets to children and teachers from the Caritas Christi group. We explored a range of different experiments from making volcano lava to slime to making sounds. We were also shown some amazing experiments by Jupiter Jack from the Mad Science Club. It was a great first time event and we look forward to taking part in another fayre soon.
Monday 21st May 2018
6 children took part in the annual Boccia festival (William Y6, Hassan Y5, Shaivi Y4, Aden Y3, Kacper Y3 and Thanh Y3.) Boccia is similar to bowls, a sport which requires precision to hit the target ball. We are excited to announce that St Teresa's School came SECOND place out of 7 schools competing for the title of Boccia Champions!
Tuesday 19th December
KS2 performed Hosanna Rock! a modern retelling of the Nativity at St Teresa's Church. There was singing and music and dancing. The children were fantastic. A huge thank you to the families who came and supported us.
Friday 15th December
Children from Year 5 and Year 6 represented the school at the Caritas Christi In Urbe Carol Service at St. Chad's Cathedral.
Monday 20th November
Today we played a new and exciting game called...BOCCIA!
William (Year 6) Hassan, Gerrard (Year 5) and Thanh, Kacper, Aden (Year 3) were invited to St. Francis school to take part in the Boccia tournament.
Boccia is where you have a Jack ball (target ball) in which you have to aim your team's ball as close to the target as possible. It takes great concentration, accuracy and precision.
We are very pleased to say that St. Teresa's came second place out of 7 schools competing.
Monday 31st October
Although we all belong to a large Catholic family of St Teresa's, today we celebrated our diversity by wearing our cultural and traditional clothing or colours! We represented many countries far and wide such as Jamaica, India and Poland and some closer to home e.g. England and Ireland.
Friday 20th October
Year 6 showcased their talents during the first class assembly of the school year all about the Victorians. We were treated to workers from the mine, pickpockets and the rich household as well as a trip in time to a Victorian school.
Thursday 19th October
Year 5 led our Harvest Festival Mass. Father David told us about how there are many people in our city who do not have enough food and we had a collection for a local food bank.
Friday 6th October
Congratulations to all those children who were awarded certificates today.
Monday 2nd October
Year 6 visited the Black Country Living Museum to find out about life in Victorian times! They went down the mine and spent some time in a Victorian schoolroom too! See more on the Y6 page!
Friday 29th September
Macmillan Coffee Morning. We were joined by family and friends of St Teresa's to eat cakes (raise money) for this very worthwhile cause. So far over £400 has been raised. See more pictures here.
Friday 29th September
Year 4 visited St John the Evangelist Church in Perry Barr. They had the opportunity to look round the Church and had a talk about the Church from Father Barrie Scott. More on the Y4 page!
Friday 29th September
Year 2 visited the Gurdwara.
Thursday 28th September
Y6 visited Birmingham Central Mosque where they had a guided tour of the mosque building and observed one of the daily prayer services. For more information see the Y6 page,
Thursday 28th September
Y3 visited the Jewish Synagogue at Singer's Hill in Birmingham. Some of the boys tried on the prayer shawls worn by men only. There was even some weddings! More on the Y3 page!
Thursday 28th September
Year 5 went to a Hindu temple - Shri Venkateswara (Balaji) in Tividale. They learned a lot about the Hindu religion. Find out more on the Y5 page!
Thursday 28th September
We celebrated National Poetry Day today with an awesome assembly! Click HERE to hear see some of our performances!
Tuesday 26th September
Well done to all those children from Year 5 who went on Play Leader training today. We look forward to seeing your new skills in action soon on the playground. More pictures on the Y5 Page..
Monday 25th September
Year 1 visited the Sealife Centre
Friday 22nd September
Congratulations to all those children who were awarded certificates today. Particularly well done to all those who achieved their violin Grade 1 Certificates too.
Wednesday 20th September
Today we held our elections for this year's House Captains. We heard some very persuasive speeches and then voted for the candidate we felt had the was going to lead the best. For more information click on school council
Friday 15th September
Congratulations to all those children who were awarded certificates today. There were lots of hard workers as well as a couple of swimming sisters and a violin playing-swimming-gymnast! Well done!
Wednesday 13th September
Today was the 101st birthday of Roald Dahl. Lots of the children and staff dressed up and read his books, watched films and generally celebrated his day in style!
Friday 8th September
Congratulations to all those children who were awarded certificates in our first celebration assembly of the year! You are off to a flying start!
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