Governors can be contacted through the school telephone number 0121 554 9581 or by email to
Please indicate which governor you wish to contact and the purpose of the contact.
Mr J. Courtney - Chair of Governors, Foundation Governor
Fr P. Madden – Foundation Governor
Mr. S. McPhillips - Vice Chair of Governors, Foundation Governor
Mrs S. Garvey - Foundation Governor
Mr. S. Gillam – Foundation Governor
Mrs M. Roche - Foundation Governor
Vacancy - Foundation Governor
Miss C. Douglas - Parent Governor
Mrs M. Zahid - Parent Governor
Vacancy– Local Authority Governor
Mrs L. Allport - Staff Governor
Mr D. Corkery – Head teacher
Miss S. Stevens – Clerk to the Governing Body.
Butlers Road, Handsworth Wood, Birmingham, B20 2NY
0121 554 9581