St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

Congratulations Assemblies

At St. Teresa's Catholic Primary School we hold a Congratulations Assembly on most Friday mornings. At this assembly we recognise children for a range of qualities and work during the week. We also share outcomes of other activities within school life and children may bring in and share any achievements recognised outside of school.

Parents/carers and family members are welcome to join us for this celebration of the achievements of our children.

4th October 2024 

Year 1

Joshua - His reading and blending and his written work describing a monster.

Alfie - A great diary entry in Truman's diary.

Sansar - Knowing her phonics and blending really well.

Maimuna - Always trying her best in all aspects of her learning.

Year 2 

Joseph - Fantastic written work this week.

Umaima - Now always actively participating in lessons.

Paul - Always working hard giving 110%.

Sienna - Excellent understanding of the vocabulary in the class text and knowing the corresponding actions. 

Ayaan - His resilience in his Maths work.

Devaki - Her thoughtful prayer reflecting Psalm 31.

Year 3 

Avneet - Always giving her best including putting her hand up.

Deborah - Wonderful Guided Reading and her many acts of kindness.

Taran - The best handwriting in the class!

Year 4 

Kimi - Her lovely model of a volcano.

Viktor - His volcano model which was 'erupting' in yesterday's Science lesson.

Aaliyah - Her written presentation on Volcanoes.

Year 5 

Diya J - Her no-chronological writing about South Africa.

Aaron - His work on the Anglo-Saxons identifying primary and secondary sources of evidence.

Shalom - Her fabulous R.E. work on St. Francis of Assisi's cantacles.

Daya - Fabulous Roman Numerals work.

Divine - Wonderful Maths work

Year 6 

Anvayi - Fantastic discussion in Guided Reading and always ready for learning and giving her best in all areas.

Jaya - Always ready for learning and giving her best in all areas.

Jaimar - Great effort in rounding work and his English work.


Ten Year 5 playleaders; Amelia, An, Divine, Diya M, Eva, Khadija, Kimora, Mariam, Phoenix and Zumrah, received their training certificates.

Mariam - Student of the month in her krav maga group.

Joseph - A mascot at Villa Park on Wednesday evening for the Aston Villa v Bayern Munich Champions League match.



20th September 

Year 1

Jujhar - His knowledge about Walter Tull,

Saareia, Sofia and Sairah - Trying their best in all subjects.

Year 2 

Hanifa - Always having an excellent attitude to her learning.

Geraly - Actively participating and working at pace.

David D - His alien character description and giving 110% in everything that he does.

Khari - Active participation across all subject areas, especially his reading in Little Wandle sessions and his writing.

Year 3 

Laura - The quality of her work and her confidence.

Uriel - Her explanation of the Holy Spirit being represented by fire.

Osamudiamen - His super quick Mental Maths calculations.

Year 4

Daivik - His Science work on rocks.

Theo - His work in English and Maths and his questioning.

A'zirah - Excellent behaviour and her work in Maths.

Logan - Excellent work and his positive attitude.

Year 5 

Saif - His work on subordinating clauses in English.

Roshan - His work with large and negative numbers on Maths.

Khadijah - Her Maths work, tackling tricky word problems.

Chiamaka - The quality of her work and sharing her responses in Creation work in R.E.

Jayden - His knowledge on Anglo-Saxons, Scots and Picts in History.

Year 6 

Giovanni - Amazing in Guided Reading.

Hoger - Impressive in all work, especially his handwriting.

Elijah - Excellent effort in all of his work - he does not let his standards slip.



13th September

Year 1

Siyana, Pio., Kamari, Isaac, Noah, Ryan, Fowzah and Liepa - The knowledge of the Creation story in R.E.

Anna - Being helpful and organising herself and others.

Year 2

All of Year 2 for settling down so well, their attitude to work and being curious and active in their learning. They work as a team to keep their classroom tidy.

Year 3

David D - His English work, especially his phonics.

Tabitha - Her hard work and determination in Maths.

Gabriel - His communication and settling into Year 3.

Year 4 

Viraj - For asking interesting questions.

Rowan - For independent working.

Viktor - The quality of his Maths work.

Ashay'a - Her wonderful start to the year. 

Antoni - His excellent work and behaviour.

Year 5 

Layla - Her Maths learning and overall focus.

Eva - Creating expanded noun phrases in English.

Zumrah - The quality of her writing, not just in her English work.

Nifemi - Always being ready to learn.

Year 6

Talah - His growing confidence and his capacity to listen and focus.

Thomas - His tolerance and support of others. His help for others including Miss Walk.

Zuzanna - Excellent effort in all learning.

Butlers Road, Handsworth Wood, Birmingham, B20 2NY

0121 554 9581