St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

Catholic Life 2021-2022


Born for This

On Wednesday 6th April, Year 5 went by bus to St. Francis’ Catholic Church, to perform ‘’Born for This’; a series of readings and songs recounting the Stations of the Cross. St. Teresa’s School, represented by Year 5, were one of six Caritas Christi In Urbe primary schools at this event. The children performed wonderfully, with a special mention for the readers; Arvin, Ava, Long and Remy, and the actors; Jayden, Soyini, Tarjae, Saron, Chikwere, Nihal and Nikhil. Thank you to Miss Gold and Miss Bennett for preparing the children and taking them with Mr Corkery to this event.

First Confession

Congratulations to those children in Year 3 who made their First Confession on 17th March at St. Teresa's Catholic Churc. Jaimar, Louisa, Matthew, Sophia and Zuzanna made this sacrament for the first time. It is an important step for them and their families in the children’s faith journey. Thank you to all who have supported the children; in particular to Miss Shirley, Mrs Allport, Fr. Peter and the families of these children.

A prayer for Ukraine

Loving God,
We pray for the people of Ukraine,

for all those suffering or afraid,
that you will be close to them and protect them.

We pray for world leaders,

for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices.

We pray for the world

that in this moment of crisis,

we may reach out in solidarity
to our brothers and sisters in need.

May we walk in your ways

so that peace and justice
become a reality for the people of Ukraine

 and for all the world.


Helping Hands of Birmingham Donations December 2021

The children from the Junior classes were invited to stay in school overnight on Friday 17th September. This event was linked to the focus of ‘Dignity of the Human Person’; a theme running across this term as part of the school’s ‘Building the Kingdom’ curriculum.

In October, children in the Junior classes brought home a Smartie tube launching our campaign to raise funding for ‘Helping Hands’ to provide resources for homeless people. Once emptied of sweets, the Smartie tube was be used collect 20p coins. These filled tubes were returned to school. The Junior classes helped to raise £456.79, which will was used to buy items for homeless people. Miss Gibbon has been liaising with Claire from Helping Hands and on 14th December Claire came into school to collect the items. Year 4 formed a line from their classroom, through the hall and were passing the items along the line to put into Claire’s car. You helped to buy:

·                     50 x Emergency Blankets

·                     20 x Hygiene Packs

·                     72 x Bottles of Water

·                     40 pairs Hand Warmers

·                     20 x Male Body Sprays

·               60 x Packs of Baby Wipes

·                 18 pairs various sizes of Men’s Boxers

·                     24 x Men’s Deodorants

·                     20 x Hand Cream

·                   19 x small Christmas Selection Boxes

·               20 x Dove Deodorants (women)

·                     20 x Hand Wipes

·                     10 x Little Robin Chocolate Bags

·                     12 x Female Body Sprays

·                   50 x Nature Valley Bars

·                     20 pairs of Gloves

·                     10 x 6 pack Toothbrushes

·                     40 x Brunch Bars

·                     30 Pairs of socks

·                     34 x Individual Toothbrushes

·                     £100 donation

·                     24 Hats

·                     20 x Tubes of Toothpaste


Thank you so much for your support for those in need, particularly at this time of year. Thank you to Miss Gibbon for co-ordinating this initiative.

       Confirmation for Catholic Year 5 and Year 6 children

On 30th November, fourteen Year 5 children, twelve Year 6 children and two past pupils were at St. Teresa’s Church for the sacrament of Confirmation celebrated by Bishop David Evans. It was a very different occasion from previous pre-Covid Confirmation masses in the parish but it was still an important occasion in the faith lives of the children involved and their families.

Thank you to Miss Walk and Miss Gold for preparing the children, thank you to Miss Shirley for preparing the mass and to Bishop David and Fr. Peter for celebrating the Confirmation Mass.

Congratulations to; Esele, Chikwere, Sebastian, Christopher, James, Remy, Sofia, Gianna, Tomasz, Imani, Oskar, Joshua McK, Gabriel, Shanice, Ava, Mila, Long, Samuel, Joshua S, Arinze, Tarjae, Ewa, Maria, Laura, Tarli-Monae, Ethan, Thien-Kim and Deshon.


                         Red Wednesday

On 24th November, children were invited to wear their own clothes with a red theme to raise funds for Aid to the Church in Need - a Catholic charity, which supports Christians and others around the world who experience any kind of persecution, oppression or pastoral need. Thank you for your support, which has helped to raise £190 for this charity.


Children in Need

Friday 19th November, was a ‘Spotacular’ non-uniform day for Children In Need. Children could wear their own clothes, ideally with a spotty theme, for a £1.  Thank you for your donations, which have raised £224 for this cause.

With the teacher, Year 1 planned and led a class Harvest Liturgy 14.10.21


The children sat on the carpet with their prayers. They placed a basket in the middle of the circle.  Music played as the children came to sit down.



Each child read their prayer.  They thanked God for so many this: food, famers and water.



Father read the Creation story.  We talked about why we should not waste water.


Go Forth

The children drew pictures about ways to look after water.  


Year 4 led the Harvest Mass 14.10.21

Year 3 led a decade of the Rosary 11.10.21


Can you see what they have gathered?  Why do you think they selected blue material? 


The school listened to a story from the Bible.


The children responded in prayer.

Go forth

   Can you think of reasons why Mary would be so pleased with you today?

Year 5 and 6 Confirmation retreat at St.Mary's Convent 

05.10.21 Year 5

06.10.21 Year 6

October the Month of the Rosary

Year 2 children changed the entrance Altar.  They  planned a decade of the Rosary.  They planned what we would need for 'Gather'.  Look at what they selected. Then they led a decade of the Rosary to the whole school.

I selected blue cloth.  Mary wears blue.

We chose this statue of Mary.

We chose these Rosary beads.  They are really big.  Everyone will be able to see them.

October Altar

Holy Rosary

By Year 2

01.10.21 Eloquent and Truthful Award

01.10.21 Feast Day of St.Teresa

Years 5 and 6 went to Mass at St.Teresa's Church.

All children and staff were able to wear their own clothes. We had a great day celebrating.

School Motto


Each class started the school year off by reflecting on the school Mission Statement and Motto.


Do you know the Motto?


What does it mean to you?


How will you live out the Mission/Motto?


" I know the school motto. Little flowers growing and giving glory to God."

Excellent work.  This child received a Certificate for her knowledge about the school Motto.

Vocations Afternoon 15.09.21

Deacon Owen and Sisters Minor of Saint Francis visited all the classes.  They spoke about their vocation and answered lots of questions the children had prepared.

Do you think Jesus calls you?


Raising awareness of homelessness

The Junior classes had an opportunity to sleep over night at school, to raise awareness of homelessness. 

Fund Raising for Macmillian

We raised money for Macmillian by wearing green to school.  

Butlers Road, Handsworth Wood, Birmingham, B20 2NY

0121 554 9581