St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

2024 - 2025


A warm welcome to you from Miss Gold and Miss Bennett! 

Please enjoy looking at our Year 5 Class Page. Here you will find key information and have updates on all the fun things that we have been up to. 


We are looking forward to sharing our knowledge of Viking History with our families and  friends on Friday 7th February at 9am. Year 5, please learn your lines and practise the songs and poem below. Thank you. 


 Dragon Ships MP3s.zipDownload
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 You Can't Forget About The Vikings! MP3s.zipDownload
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Design Technology - Creating a recipe
We had our final DT lesson on cooking, whereby we had to put all of our learning (including taste testing various sauces and herbs!) to the test by making our bolognese sauces. We worked in groups to share the responsibility of chopping, slicing and grating carrots, onions, garlic and celery. We added tinned tomatoes, vegetable stock and herbs to balance out all the flavours. We had a lot of fun! 



Below is a very small snapshot of all the fun we had on Christmas party day! 


We have been showing greater understanding of Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers by using pictorial representations. If the numerator if higher than the denominator in a fraction, then it is improper! We have been learning the methods to convert these into a mixed number and then converting a mixed number back to an improper fraction. Partner talk and discussion has helped to develop our understanding further. 


Our DT Unit this term (Aut 2) is all about Cooking and Nutrition. We will be developing a recipe to understand seasonality and know where and how a variety of ingredients are grown, reared, caught and processed. 


We have explored a variety of ingredients and carried out taste testing sessions to develop a bolognese sauce. Have a look at our pictures below! 


In our R.E unit, Miracles and the Sacrament of the Sick, Year 5 have been learning about the special places of pilgrimage around the world for all faiths. A pilgrimage is a sacred journey, undertaken for a spiritual purpose. Pilgrims are different from tourists: they travel for spiritual reasons, not just to relax or for fun. Pilgrimage is a search for meaning, purpose, values or truth. Below is a map of Europe, outlining some key places of Catholic pilgrimage:-

Pilgrimage Map


In the Bible, Jesus is recorded as performing many miracles. Year 5 have explored some of these miracles and have learnt that Christians believe that Jesus performed miracles for several reasons:

  • God was at work in the world;

  • He was like the Old Testament prophets who also did miracles;

  • God loves and provides for people;

  • God has supernatural power;

  • He had compassion for people on the fringes of society - not only in his words, but also through his actions.

Look at the paintings below - can you work out the Miracle performed by Jesus? 

The Miracles of Jesus


 Year 5 have been learning to multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals by 10, 100 and 1000. We have learnt that when we multiply by 10, 100 and 1000, the digits in the number we are multiplying move the left (one, two or three spaces).  The digits move to the right when we are dividing. Year 5 - please watch the videos below to consolidate your learning:-


In Art, we have been enjoying our drawing unit all about Space and  the future. We have been using our sketchbooks to record observations and research design ideas. Last week, we made a collograph printing plate using various materials to create different patterns and textured effects. This week, we made a printed background for our futuristic art pieces using our collograph plates, different colour paints and a roller. We had a lot of fun! Click on the gallery pictures below to enlarge them:-


We have been learning lots about the Anglo Saxons, Scots and Picts in our History lessons. Historical sources of evidence help us to analyse what life was like for people in the past and Year 5 have enjoyed looking at a range of sources to build on our understanding. We have been studying primary and secondary sources of evidence to help answer a key question: Who were the Anglo-Saxons and why did they come to Britain? We found out the following:-

The last Roman soldiers left Britain in 410. New people came in ships across the North Sea - the Anglo-Saxons. The Anglo-Saxon age in Britain was from around AD410 to 1066. They were a mix of tribes from Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands. The three biggest were the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes. The land they settled in was ‘Angle-land’, or England. If we use the modern names for the countries they came from, the Saxons were German-Dutch, the Angles were southern Danish, and the Jutes were northern Danish. Watch the video to find out more...


Year 5 have been looking at Place Value in Maths; using concrete manipulatives (Base 10 and counters) and pictorial representations, to read, write and compare numbers up to 1,000,000. Place value is the value of each digit in a number. For example, the 5 in 350 represents 5 tens, or 50; however, the 5 in 5,006 represents 5 thousands, or 5,000. It is important to understand that while a digit can be the same, its value depends on where it is in the number.  Have a look at our pictures below:-


Homework goes out every Friday. It is to be returned by the following Wednesday. 

R.E homework will also be set for you to complete each month. Occasionally, projects may also be set for you to complete on a specific topic. You will be given longer to complete R.E homework and projects and you will be told when these are to be handed in. 


Year 5, please see below your spelling words for this half term (please check you have the correct sheet).  You must practise your spelling words at home in preparation for the test which will take place every Friday. 



Year 5 have been exploring the Creation stories in the bible. Did you know that there are two Creation stories? The first can be found in Genesis 1 and the other can be found in Genesis 2.  We found some similarities and differences when comparing them both. By analysing both Creation stories, we understand that;

  • God created the world and everything in it.
  • Humans have been created in the image and likeness of God. 

The video below shares key information about Creation from Genesis 1 and Genesis 2:-

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0121 554 9581