St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

Head Teacher's Welcome

Welcome to the website of St. Teresa's Catholic School. I hope that our school website gives you an insight into all that goes to making our school what it is.

The hard work, talent and efforts of so many, not least the children themselves,  has contributed to our school community.

As a Catholic School we strive to serve God in our words, thoughts and actions. We celebrate all who contribute to our school community and challenge ourselves to improve in whatever we do.

Our school motto; Little Flowers Growing and Giving Glory to God, recognises our school’s patron saint, St. Teresa of Lisieux, known as the Little Flower. She knew that through doing the small things to the very best of her ability and for the praise of God she was carrying out his work.

We try in our friendships, our work, our play and throughout our time as part of the school to give of our best to enable the children, the staff and parents that make up the school to fully grow.


Declan Corkery

Head teacher

Butlers Road, Handsworth Wood, Birmingham, B20 2NY

0121 554 9581