St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

Catholic Life 2023-2024


First Holy Communion

Congratulations to the eleven children; Florence, Viktor, Lainey, Hoang, Kimi, Troy, Ashay’a, Tomek, Antoni, Theo and Senay, who made their First Holy Communion on 15th June at St. Teresa’s Church. Thank you to Mrs Allport, Mrs Jones, Miss Shirley and Fr. Peter and all of these children’s families for supporting the children in preparing for this sacrament.


The school’s ‘Building the Kingdom’ curriculum, based upon the principles of Catholic Social Teaching, has ‘Stewardship’ as its theme for the Summer term. We are stewards, not owners, of the planet God has provided for us. The School Council have planned an initiative to have composting at school. After school on 22nd May, Jaiden, Lainey, Amal, Shalom, Zeeshan, Matthew, Osagie, Mia and Pavneet, used an electric drill and partly filled a recycling bin to start our school compost bin. They also prepared and planted up flowering plants in the beds on the gazebo. Thank you to Mrs Gillam, Mrs Paciorek and Mr Bryan for providing the children with this opportunity.

Good Shepherd Mass at St. Chad’s Cathedral

On 23rd May, Year 6 represented the school at the Birmingham Archdiocese’s Good Shepherd Mass at St. Chad’s Cathedral. This mass was attended by children from a number of Catholic schools and was celebrated by Monsignor Menezes. Thank you to Kimran and Edward for presenting the cheque for the £704.73 collected by the school community during Lent and thank you to Liz for reading a bidding prayer at the mass. Thank you to Miss Bennett, Sr Irene and Sr Michela for taking the children, with Mr. Corkery, to this event.

May Procession

Thank you to all who played a part in our May Procession on 23rd May. In the Church’s year, May is the month of Mary. There is a tradition of prayers and hymns asking Mary, our mother, to intercede on our behalf with her son Jesus. Thank you to Mrs Gillam for overseeing this event. Thank you to Alfie, Maimuna, Shyla, Shalaya, Harveer, Chiamaka A, Amal, Senay, Zane, Nefemi, Diya J, Matthew, Inayah, Jaya, Liz, Kimran, Andrea, Isharma and Edward.  Thank you to Sr. Irene and Sr. Michela for assisting the children. Thank you also to Kimran, Liz and Miss Gibbon, our technicians.


The school’s ‘Building the Kingdom’ curriculum, based upon the principles of Catholic Social Teaching, has ‘Stewardship’ as its theme for the Summer Term 2024. We are stewards, not owners, of the planet God has provided for us. The School Council have planned an initiative to have composting at school. After school on 22nd May, Jaiden, Lainey, Amal, Shalom, Zeeshan, Matthew, Osagie, Mia and Pavneet, used an electric drill and partly filled a recycling bin to start our school compost bin. They also prepared and planted up flowering plants in the beds on the gazebo. Thank you to Mrs Gillam, Mrs Paciorek and Mr Bryan for providing the children with this opportunity.

Lenten Fundraising

Thank you to Year 6 for organising and managing games and activities for fundraising on 19th and 26th April. The class, supported by the school community have raised £483.02, to go to the school’s Lenten charity; Fr. Hudson’s Good Shepherd Appeal. Thanks you to all involved.

In the Spring Term, the children were given a plastic bag for the Fr. Hudson’s Good Shepherd appeal; our school’s Lenten charity. Thank you to those families who have donated and returned their bags. The total raised was £221.71. 

You have helped to raise a total of £704.73 for this cause.

Year 3 First Holy Communion Retreat

On 17th April, Year 3 went to St. John Wall Catholic Secondary School for a retreat reflecting on the sacrament of First Holy Communion which some of the Year 3 children will be receiving in June. Well done to the children for being such good ambassadors for the school. Thank you to Mrs Allport, Mrs Jones and Miss Aziz for taking the children on this visit.

The Way of the Cross

On the afternoon of Tuesday 26th March, Year 6 led each other and the other three Junior classes, around the school site to reflect the journey Jesus took to his death, for our ‘Way of the Cross’ liturgy. Thank you to the Year 6 children who took us on this journey and led a thought provoking and prayerful experience for children and adults alike. Thank you to those parents who were able to join us.

Lenten Liturgy Roadshow

On the morning of Tuesday 26th March, children from our school, St. Augustine’s Catholic Primary School and St. Clare’s Catholic Primary School; three of the eight schools within the Caritas Christi In Urbe family of schools, toured those three schools and led a Lenten Roadshow liturgy considering the events of The Agony in the Garden and the betrayal and arrest of Jesus. Anvayi, Eve, Hoger and Giovanni represented St. Teresa’s School wonderfully. Other schools within the Caritas Christi In Urbe group held their Lenten Roadshows during this week.

First Confession

Congratulations to those children who made their First Confession at St. Teresa’s Church 0n Thursday 14th March. Viktor, Florence, Kimi, Troy, Theo, Hoang, Tomek, Lainey and Antoni from Year 3 made this sacrament for the first time. It is an important step for them and their families in the children’s faith journey. Thank you to all who have supported the children; in particular Mrs Allport, Mrs Jones, Miss Shirley, Mrs Gillam, Fr. Peter and the families of these children.

Prayers in the Hall

All children, parents and members of the school and parish community were welcome to join us for a few minutes on Friday afternoons at 3.00 p.m. each week during Lent for a reflection on Stations of the Cross in the Hall led by our Faith Ambassadors with some help from other Year 6 children. Thank you Motunrayo, Liz, Kimran, Edward, Inayah, Osagie, Osamudiamen, Thomas, Chiziterem, Chiamaka J, Zane, Essey, Reymar, Divine, Deborah, Logan and Sophia who led these reflections supported by Miss Shirley.

Confirmation for Catholic Year 5 and Year 6 children

On Thursday 7th March, ten Year 5 children and fourteen Year 6 children were at St. Teresa’s Church for the sacrament of Confirmation celebrated by Bishop David Evans. It was an important occasion in the faith lives of the children involved and their families.

Thank you to Miss Walk and Miss Gold for preparing the children, thank you to Miss Shirley for preparing the mass and to Bishop David and Fr. Peter for celebrating the Confirmation Mass. Thank you to the families, other children, staff and parishioners who joined us for this highlight in our school year.

Congratulations to; Nicola, Andrea, Chizi, Jaimar, Divine, Matthew, Mia, Mason, Tannia, Hoger, Josh, Elijah, Mayana, Motunrayo, Edward, Zuzanna, Joseph, Thomas, Muganzi, Tyler, Sophia, Louisa, Dawid and Essey.

Year 3 Reconciliation Retreat

On the morning of Wednesday 6th March, Year 3 went to St. John Wall Catholic Secondary School for a retreat reflecting upon the sacrament of Reconciliation which eleven of the Year 3 class will receive for the first time on 14th March. Thank you to Mr Lysaght from St John Wall School for planning and leading the retreat. Thank you to Mrs Allport, Mrs Jones and Miss Aziz for taking the children to this event. Please keep those children; Viktor, Florence, Senay, Kimi, Troy, Theo, Hoang, Tomek, Lainey, Antoni and Ashay’a, in your prayers.

Soup Sunday

Thank you to the eleven children, their families and the nine staff who attended the soup Sunday event after the 9.30 a.m. mass at St. Teresa’s Church on Sunday 3rd March. Thanks to donations from those in the parish and school who attended £347.30 was raised for CAFOD.

Mass at St. Teresa’s Church

On Thursday 29th February, the Junior classes walked to St. Teresa’s Church to join the parish for the mass for the feast of St. Chad, the patron saint of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, which is 2nd March. This was an opportunity to strengthen the links between the school and the parish. Thank you to Miss Gibbon, Dominik, Miss Shirley, Chiamaka, Lumaya, Zane, Zumrah, Divine and Kwesi for leading the readings and the bidding prayers. Thank you to Sophia, Edward, Mia and Chizi for altar serving. Thank you to Mrs Paciorek for preparing and leading the singing and music. Thank you to the staff, Miss Bonner, Miss Bishton and Mrs Garvey who got the children safely to and back from the church.

Fr Hudson’s Care

On Tuesday 27th February, we were visited by Mr Hateley of Fr. Hudson’s Care. He explained the work of this organisation which we work closely with through our Fr. Hudson’s Family Support Worker, Zoe McFarlane. The charitable work of this organisation is broad and far reaching. We are supporting Fr. Hudson’s Care in school during Lent and Mr Hateley has provided bags, rather than the card boxes used in previous years, for donations to be returned to school by the end of term on Thursday 28th March. Thank you in anticipation of your support.

Year 5 at Confirmation Retreat

On Wednesday 21st February, Year 5 were at St John Wall Catholic Secondary School for a retreat in preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation which a number of Year 5 children will be receiving on 7th March. Our Year 5 children were attentive ambassadors for our school. Thank you to Miss Gold and Mrs Keogh for taking these children to the retreat.

Year 6 at Confirmation retreat

On Wednesday 7th February, Year 6 were at St John Wall Catholic Secondary school in the morning for a retreat in preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation which a number of Year 6 children will be receiving on 7th March. The retreat coincided with St. John Wall School having the first of a two-day Catholic Schools’ Inspectorate (CSI) inspection as we did a fortnight ago. Our Year 6 children were attentive and good ambassadors for our school. Thank you to Miss Walk and Miss Bennett for taking these children to the retreat.

Junior Carol Service

On the evening of Wednesday 20th December, sixty-five children of the Junior classes and their families were at church for our Carol Service. The children were wonderful as readers, actors and a choir. Thank you to the children and the Junior staff for their hard work which led to such a memorable performance, including Mrs Paciorek with a range of musical accompaniment. Thank you also to the parents and carers of the children who attended for bringing them to our Carol Service.

Parent Pray and Stay

Sister Irene and Sister Michela led 'Parent Pray and Stay' at the end of the school day.  


Sister Irene and Sister Michela worked with children in reception and year 5 to make their Bambinelli.  They talked with the children about  traditions in Italy.


Father Peter went to each of the classes to bless the Bambinelli.  Each child took their baby Jesus home.

Dinner time prayer groups


Sister Irene and Sister Michela led two lunchtime prayer groups.  The children learnt songs with actions; they listened to Scripture and shared their own personal prayer



The Faith Ambassadors arrange the Nativity scene in the entrance hall

Advent displays and prayer areas


Nativity performances

On 14th and 15th December, the Infant classes have performed their Nativity. Well done to all of the children and a big thank you to the Infant staff for their wonderful efforts in bringing this production together. Thank you also to parents, carers and families who practised the songs and learnt the lines. The Infant Nativity is a highlight of the school year; it is something to treasure for the adults, seeing their little ones and an experience that the children will remember for the rest of their lives.

Caritas Christi In Urbe Advent Liturgy

On the morning of 13th December, Year 6 represented the school at the ‘Caritas Christi In Urbe’ Advent Liturgy at St. Francis’ Catholic Church. The St. Teresa’s children were joined by children from St. Clare’s, St. Edmund and St. Patrick’s, St. Francis’ and St. Vincent’s schools. Thank you to Miss Walk and Miss Bennett for taking the children to this event with me. Thank you to Liz, for leading the reading allocated to our school and to Edward and Kimran for taking forward an offering on behalf of Year 6.

Altar Server Retreat


Mr Lysaght led the retreat.  The pupil were given a picture of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.  

Mr Lysaght asked, "What does a bridge need to be able to stand up and carry people or loads?" 

We found that each part of a bridge was necessary and has a role in holding a bridge up and carrying people and loads.

 Each person in Church has a role.  The Altar Servers have many responsibilities to assist the Priest during Mass.  They must also ensure they show respect and reverence.


The pupil were given the task on making a bridge with Lego,  which stood up and could carry people or loads.

Altar servers met members of the parish knitting group

Altar Server Retreat at St.Teresa's Church


Entrance prayer area Advent 2023

Saint Andrew  30th November


RE Parent Workshop 



R.E. Parents’ Meeting

On Monday 27th November in the afternoon, Miss Shirley and Mrs Gillam hosted a meeting for parents to help them in supporting their children with R.E. Thank you to both of those staff for organising and leading this meeting which was provided in response to parents/carers replies to the R.E. survey earlier in the term. Thank you to the nineteen parents/carers who attended. I hope that the meeting was useful in enabling you to support your child. Thank you also to the other staff who attended this meeting to support their own professional development. Thank you to Miss Gibbon for hosting the children of the attending parents in her classroom.

Faith Ambassadors evaluate their own prayer and liturgy

Faith Ambassadors put the School Motto into Communicate in Print

Year 3 Mass

Year 3 children led their first Mass.  All pupil read clearly and with confidence.  In Mass we prayed for all people who had died.  

November the Month of the Holy Souls

The Faith Ambassadors asked parents to send in a photo or drawing of a person who had died, so they would remembered  in prayer during the month of November.

Parent stay and pray

Parents were invited to join with a 'Stay and Pray' session at the end of the day.

Lunch time prayer session

 Saint Augustine said, " He who sings,  prays twice."

The children learnt a song with actions.  Then each child shared their prayer intention and placed a candle on the prayer table.  The children then prayed a decade of the Rosary.




Sister Miriam and Sister Irene worked with children in Reception, year 2 and year 5

Sister Miriam and Sister Irene led  morning staff prayer


Sister Miriam read John 11:17-27 Jesus the Resurrection and the Life.

Jesus said to her, " I am the resurrection and the life .  Those who believe in me will live, even though they die; and all those who live and believe in me will never die. Do you believe this?"

"Yes, Lord!" she answered.





Faith Ambassadors led a decade of the Rosary 27.10.23

Pope Francis invited everyone to fast and pray for peace.  

Fast from worry and trust in God.

Fast from unkind words use kind words.


Do you need peace in your friendships?

Do you need peace in your family?

Where else would you ask for peace?


Sisters Minor of Saint Francis 27.10.23

Sisters Minor of Saint Francis led a staff prayer service in the morning.  They met with Reception class and taught them a new song, My God Loves Me.  Sister Miriam and Sister Michela worked with the children to make Saint Teresa statues.

Year 4 Mass 27.10.23 9:15 

Year 4 class led whole school Mass.  We had pupil playing the flute, Mrs Paciorek playing violin and Sister Miriam playing the guitar.  The the singing and music was fantastic.

Y5 Harvest Mass 19.10.23 9:15 


Harvest Mass

Thank you to Fr. Peter for leading our Harvest Mass on 19th October. Thank you to Harpreet, Rehan, Louisa, Zeeshan, Lewis, Haaris, Mayana, Thomas, Kenyah, Inayah, Hoger, Jaimar, Jaya and Jinuli of Year 5 for leading readings and bidding prayers and the Offertory Procession. Thank you also to Kimran for managing the audio-visual unit and thank you to our altar servers; Liz, Essey, Muganzi and Matthew. The items that you generously donated are to be collected by Birmingham Care Group Food Bank for those in need in this area.

Year 2 Faith Ambassadors led a decade of the Rosary 

The Year 2 Faith Ambassadors led a decade of the Rosary. We joined one million children throughout the world, who said a decade of the Rosary for peace.  This was organised by Aid to the Church in Need.

Key Stage Two Faith Ambassadors planned and led a decade of the Rosary 13.10.23

The Faith Ambassadors from Key Stage 2, planned and led a decade of the Rosary to the whole school.  They chose the fourth Sorrowful Mystery.  They asked us to think of everyone in the world who also carries a cross.

Faith Ambassadors planned and led a decade of the Rosary 6.10.23

The Faith Ambassadors planned and led a decade of the Rosary to the whole school.  They chose the fifth Sorrowful Mystery, the Crucifixion.

St.Teresa's Feast Day 1st October

The whole school celebrated Saint Teresa's feast day on Monday.  The whole school gathered in the hall at the end of the day to share what they had learnt and made.

Reception made pictures of Saint Teresa. Year 1 made flowers out of different materials.  Year 2 made sacrifice beads.  Every time they made a sacrifice for somebody else they moved the bead along.  Year 3 planted flowers.  Year 4 made a picture of Saint Teresa and decorated the frame with flowers.  Year 5 made a jigsaw of an image of Saint Teresa and linked it to her actions.  Year 6  planted flowers and decorated the pots with quotes from Saint Teresa.

First School Mass September 2023


Butlers Road, Handsworth Wood, Birmingham, B20 2NY

0121 554 9581