Reception class came to the hall and talked to Father about Mass.
Year 5 celebrated Mass in the hall.
Reception children invited Father into school to talk about Mass.
Year 3 Holy Communion
Summer displays- Building the Kingdom
Father reads a Bible story to Year 2.
Father prepares Year 3 and Year 4 for Holy Communion April 2021
Year 6 Confirmation March 2021
Lenten Fund Raising
Year 6 were asked to plan and lead Lenten Activities across the school. They had to do this whilst following COVID 19 rules. This was a challenge.
This week year 6 planned activities for all classes. There was guess the name of the bunny and a treasure hunt. Miss Walk announced the winners to the school via Google classroom.
This week the children raised £205.30.
Thank you to everyone who joined in.
The winners of the treasure hunt won a delicious chocolate Easter egg.
Two children named the bunny correctly and won a lovely soft, cuddly bunny.
Year 1 children having dinner with Father
Father was very impressed with the information the children shared about Holy Week.
Year 5 Lenten Liturgy
Enter text...
Holy Week Displays
Year 4 The Crucifixion of Jesus.
Year 5 Jesus meets his Mother.
Year 6 Peter Denies Jesus.
Year 3 Jesus is Condemned.
The Reception
The Last Supper
Year 1 have completed work on Jesus entering the Temple.
Year 2 have completed work on Palm Sunday when Jesus rode on a donkey into Jerusalem.
Entrance Hall Lent
Year 6 Sacrament of Confirmation March 23rd 2021
Year 3 Sacrament of Reconciliation March 10th 2021
The children in year made their First Confession. The whole class joined in the Reconciliation service in the hall. It was a lovely afternoon.
Stations of the Cross
The children in Year 6 are leading the Stations of the Cross. We are using TEAMS so that all the classes can join in and watch. The children in Year 6 have planned the Collective Worship and thought of questions for the children to respond to and think of ways they can bring change to their lives.
Year 1 Pray
Two children in Year 1 came to pray in the library. They brought art work to place on the altar.
Spring 2 Virtues: Attentive and Discerning
Pupils are growing to be attentive to their experience and to their vocation; and discerning about the choices they make and the effects of those choices.
What does this mean?
Catholic schools help their pupils grow by promoting the practice of attentive reflection and discerning decision making: in teaching, in the examen, prayer and retreats; and through the practice and example of school leaders and staff.
The children made a snow family.
Epiphany Mass from St.Chad's
Spring 1 2021 Virtues Grateful and Generous
Pupils are growing to be grateful for their own gifts, for the gift of other people, and for blessings of each day; and generous with their gifts, both now and in the future.
What does this mean?
Catholic Schools help their pupils grow by encouraging them to know and be grateful for all their gifts, developing them to the full so that they can be generous in the service of others.
Reception class performed a Nativity Play. They read, performed and sang so beautifully.
Each class was allocated a part of the Christmas Story. They created art work for displays. They read the scripture and sang a hymn.
This was recorded in the class bubble and then put together.
Advent and Christmas Displays
Christmas parties
Each class had a Christmas Party in their ' bubble'.
Advent Service
Father and children from Year 6 led an Advent Service from the entrance hall using Microsoft Teams.
Blessing of the Bambinelli
Each child made a figure of baby Jesus. Father came into school and Blessed the Bambinelli.
The Blessing of the Bambinelli was first instituted by St. John Paul II. On the Third Sunday of Advent, the children of Rome are encouraged to bring the baby Jesus (Bambinelli) from each of their Nativity sets to St. Peter’s Square. Following the Sunday Angelus address, the Pope blesses the figurines.
Now celebrated in other churches around the world, this Advent tradition is a way for children to connect their Nativity scene at home to the celebration of Christmas at their church.
Dinner with Father
Each week Father has come into school and had dinner with the children. It has been a great opportunity for Father to get to know the children.
First Mass of the Academic Year
Year 4 celebrated the first Mass of the school year on December 10th. Although the children have planned various Masses they were cancelled due to the latest COVID restrictions.
Mass was celebrated in the hall. This was Father's first Mass in St.Teresa's school.
Father read a Bible story to the children in Year One. The advent wreath was lit and the children said prayers.
Explaining the Mass
Father went through the Mass explaining the different stages to Year 6.
Month of November
During the month of November we remember all the people who have died.
On Remembrance Sunday we remember all those who have died in War. This year we made our own poppies.
Autumn 2 Virtues: Intentional and Prophetic
Pupils are becoming Intentional in the way they live and use the resources of the earth, guided by conscience; and prophetic in the example they set to others.
What does this mean?
Catholic schools help their pupils grow by being a school community which is intentional in its way of proceeding to build-up quality of life; and which is prophetic in the way it offers an alternative vision of education and the human person rooted in the gospel.
Harvest Festival and October the Month of the Rosary
October the month of the Rosary
October The Month of the Holy Rosary
The Pope’s Prayer Intention for October: The Laity’s Mission in the Church
The Season of Creation is an Ecumenical season during which “we are encouraged to pray and engage in community events in order to deepen our relationship with our God, our neighbour and the earth we share, being ever more attentive to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor” (Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales).
This year the season has even greater significance as the Church is celebrating the 5th Anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical letter Laudato Si by having a focus upon it for a whole year (running from May 24 2020 - May 24 2021)
Throughout the month of October children in Year 5 planned. prepared and led a decade of the Rosary. They led the Rosary from the library using Microsoft Teams. All children used the planning framework- Gather- Listen- Respond and Go Forth.
Harvest Festival
Each class had a box to collect harvest offerings. All the offerings were given to local food banks.
Father came into school and led a Harvest reflection and a decade of the Rosary from the entrance hall using Microsoft Teams.
1st October the Feast Day of Saint Teresa
The Faith Ambassadors noticed that the statue of Saint Teresa was a little worn. The statue was taken away for a week and returned for the feast day.
Look at the before and after pictures.
The Season of Creation 1 September - 4 October
Jubilee for the Earth
The Pope’s Prayer Intention for September: Respect for the Planet’s Resources
The Season of Creation 1 September - 4 October
Caring for God's Creation is so important.
Welcome Father to St.Teresa's School.
We look forward to working with you and getting to know you.
CAFOD The World We Want Assembly - Thursday 10 September
Join us to hear how the lives of others around the world are being impacted by
Be informed about what is happening
Be inspired about how we are all interconnected, working together for the
common good
Become active in making a difference.
The Catholic Pupil Profile Virtues- Autumn 1 Curious and Active
This half term the two Virtues that are a focus for us and the other Catholic schools in
the Archdiocese of Birmingham are to be ‘curious’ and ‘active’. The challenge is to be
curious about the universe and all human activity, and to take increasing responsibility for
their own learning, and by providing opportunities for them to be active in the life of the
school, the Church and wider community.
We continue to work alongside the organisation TEN TEN which provides collective worship and prayer resources to Catholic Primary schools. Ten Ten produce a letter for parents each half term. In the September newsletter you will find information and ideas for discussing new beginnings with your child. You can read the newsletter below.
Parent Newsletter
September 2020
The ‘New Normal’
Going back to school after the summer holidays can feel like a very busy and often stressful time for many families. It’s a time of new beginnings: new classrooms, new teachers, new lessons, new schools, new uniform…the list goes on. But this year, school will feel even more different with a ‘new normal’ after the extended period of school closures. With new start times and new year group bubbles, there will be a lot of ‘new’ things for children and parents to get used to.
In September every year, we at Ten Ten take time to refocus on Jesus - the reason for doing what we do. Our resources for the start of term often invite children to consider Jesus’ invitation for them to follow Him through everything known and unknown that the year will bring. This seems more pertinent than ever this year, and so for this newsletter, we share with you an imaginative meditation that children will experience in the first week back of term.
Click to play the recorded meditation below, and then why not discuss it with your child.
In Sunday's Gospel, Jesus says: “If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him...take up his cross and follow me." Matthew 16: 24
Children heard how Jesus will help us every step of the way and help us to carry our 'cross'. We don't have to carry an actual cross but it's like the bag in the meditation - we carry it on the path and when it gets too heavy, Jesus helps us.
Children learned that Jesus longs for us to follow Him, because He knows we will be happiest when we follow the path He lays out for us.
Space was made for children to consider the questions below, which you might like to discuss with them:
Will you follow Jesus this year? Will you let Him help you and guide you?
Dear Jesus,
We don’t know all that this year holds, but you do.
Help us with our schoolwork and our friendships.
Help us remember that you are with us in the good times and the bad.
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0121 554 9581