St Teresa's Catholic Primary School


St. Teresa’s Catholic Primary School

Our Mission

At St. Teresa’s Catholic School we believe and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. You will find us to be loving, caring and spiritual. We value and respect all; growing and learning together as part of God’s family, to be the best we can be.

St. Teresa’s Catholic Primary School community consists of children, parents, staff, governors and parishioners. Together they work to fulfil the aims of the school. It is each individual’s role and responsibility to promote positive behaviour and enhance the self esteem not only of the children but of all in the community by encouraging good conduct and creating an environment where learning and growing can flourish.


Following the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ from Matthew 7:12:

“So always treat others as you would like them to treat you”.


Everyone is to act with courtesy and consideration to others at all times


In considering a Code of Conduct that is valid and of use to St. Teresa’s school community one needs to have an appreciation of the place of such a code in the context of a Catholic education. The school is part of the local Catholic community and therefore part of the Catholic community throughout the world. Its values, expectations and desire to grow place it within the family of the Church; a family of Love, Tolerance and Respect. This document aims to support these three areas by providing, in effect, terms of reference for every member of the community.


The document ‘Christ at the Centre’ produced by the former DSC - Diocesan Schools Commission, now the DES – Diocesan Education Service, considers why and how Catholic education is provided in Catholic schools.

The document makes clear that the Church provides Catholic schools to:

  • Assist in its mission of making Christ known to all people.

  • Assist parents, who are the primary educators of their children, in the education and religious formation of their children.

  • Be at the service of the local church-the diocese, the parish and the Christian home.

  • Be a service to society.

As members of the school community we strive to develop our relationships with God, in doing so this should, and must, influence our relationships with one another. Every individual matters, and through God we have an inherent dignity and a God given vocation. There are broad and generally well understood norms of behaviour which are relevant to all, these exist in all relationships, but consideration of the responsibilities of and expectations upon staff, parents and children follows.


As members of a Catholic School our words and actions should reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ.



Butlers Road, Handsworth Wood, Birmingham, B20 2NY

0121 554 9581