St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

School Dinners


Please be aware that St. Teresa’s School is a ‘No-nut’ school. We have a number of children and a staff member in school who have allergies to nuts. Any meals provided through Cityserve, our school catering service, are managed and those meals do not contain any nuts but parents and carers must be mindful that any packed lunches or any food items sent into school are not to contain items with nuts.

Children in the Infant classes do not pay for school dinners.

Children in the Junior classes who are to pay for their school dinners are to pay £2.65 for each day. 

This is payable at the start of each week or can be paid for in half-term blocks. The payment can readily be made through the school's ParentPay system.

We actively promote a healthy lifestyle across the school by modelling good practise and by having high expectations. These expectations are also mirrored in the quality of food and drink we encourage in school.

School meals are provided by Cityserve. For the current cost of school meals, please speak to the school office. Our school menus are designed to offer choice, great value for money and the knowledge that our menus meet the legislative standards for school food. The three weekly menu cycle offers a variety of dishes each day for your child to choose from. The menus include many favourites including roasts, curries, pasta, pizza, and traditional puddings.

The kitchen staff select a menu to suit the needs of our pupils; this includes meeting cultural, religious and vegetarian requirements. We can also provide special (medical) diets, but this should be discussed individually with the office.

During the year there are planned theme days where the lunch is linked to curricular activity, celebrates a current event or just adds fun to the lunchtime.

Menus rotate on a three-week cycle, and can be read below.

Any queries regarding school dinners should be directed to the school office.

Below are the menus for school dinners from Monday 27th March 2023.


Butlers Road, Handsworth Wood, Birmingham, B20 2NY

0121 554 9581